Today I have some tips for if you’re relocating across cities, states, or even countries:

1. Find an agent in your market that you can trust. That agent will help you sell your home and refer you to an agent wherever you are planning to relocate to.

2. Check with your HR department because they might point you to agents, brokerages, or relocation services with which your company works. There might be more benefits you can access this way.

3. Keep your finances in order. You’re going to need documentation about your ability to work, if you can work online, or if you’re working a job in the new location. Of course, you don’t need this if you’re paying in cash.

“The internet is your friend, but your real estate agent is your ally.”

4. Give yourself options when choosing lenders. Even if you have a relationship with some of the big banks, you might want to look at local lenders. While it might seem easier because these big banks have all your data, working with them can make the process slower. Your agents might have connections with local lenders that can make the process much easier.

5. Research your new community. This might feel a bit like stalking, but it’s important to get out to the new community and drive around to see what it’s like. If you can’t, you can get someone you trust to look at it for you, or your agent might take videos of the community to show you around it, as I do. Google searches are your friend.

If you’re looking to relocate and need a connection to the eXp Realty Relocation Department or any other assistance at all, give me a call. I’m happy to help.